Bargain Newsfeeds Review

Bargain News offers an uncensored and an up-capped server to all of their customers but only some customers receive a secure server. Bargain News forces their customers to pay for pricier plans if they wish to have a secure server. This is a good feature for those of you who don’t think you need SSL, but not so much for those of you who do need a secure server. They do offer multiple servers in the United States and in Europe with 50 available connections for super fast downloading speeds. They offered some other things, and forgot about a few features. We broke the rest down for you.

Retention: Currently, Bargain News Feeds offers a 700 day binary retention and a text retention of 700 days. This is not the best retention that we have seen, like the retention we have seen from some of the providers listed on our home page, but it is also not the worst.

Anonymity: Four of the six available servers offered have SSL. You may have to purchase a pricier plan to receive the SSL but if you do not want it, at least you are getting a cheaper price!

Pricing: One of the features offed at Baring News Feeds that I liked was that they offer many different price plans and they offer either unlimited accounts or metered accounts and both could be purchased as a block plan. The cheapest unlimited plan offered at Bargain News Feeds is only $17.95. That was for one month of unlimited Gigabytes. You can get a whopping 10GB for only $6.95 a month as well. This is the cheapest price plan available.

Speed: One of the other features offered by this Usenet provider is that they have 3 server farms available within the United States and in Europe with 6 available servers. Four of the six servers offer SSL as well. This can speed up your connection if your internet provider is trying to limit your Usenet availability. They also have 50 simultaneous connections available. This will definitely allow you to max out your internet connection. Bargain news Feeds also provides an un-capped and uncensored connection for all of their price plans.


Some of the other included features that Bargain News offers that we did not mention include:

– Some of the other great features offered are:

– 84, 000 available newsgroups

– 99% Completion rate

– E-mail support

– Browser access with all web accounts

– Compatible with all newsreaders


Although bargain news does not offer a free trial or any form of live support, they are not the worst Usenet provider available. I would recommend them to any user. They offer a large amount of price plans and they have multiple servers available. They also have an un-capped and uncensored server. Their retention is not the worst, but we do have some other provider’s listed on the home page that provide more retention. They seem worth a try but make sure to check out the other providers on our home page first!

Planet Usenet Author